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Speaker Details

Ms. Muna Zaqsaw
Scientific Research Sections Head, Abdul-Hameed Shoman Foundation
Country: Jordan


Being in love with science her whole life, Muna obtained a Msc degree in sold state physics in 2015 from the University of Jordan, in her hometown Jordan. This degree allowed her to shift her career into the science world. Muna has 13 years of experience, of which 11 have served in the science ecosystem in different sectors. She worked with government, international, and diplomatic organizations, where now she is with the private sector as the Scientific Research Sections Head at Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation.
With her visible networking, science communication, and science diplomacy skills, in 2019, Muna was nominated by the US government to represent Jordan in their International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) program in Advancing Women in STEM. In 2016, she participated in Taiwan’s Elite Leadership Program. Currently, Muna is the lead of the judging process of Jordan’s Young Scientists initiative led by the Embassy of Ireland.

Status: Confirmed