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Registration Terms & Conditions

*Please read carefully before submitting your NAMES 2024 online registration form.


  • There are two categories for registration:
    • Individual Registration;

    • Group Registration.

  • To benefit from Group Rates, the data of 4 participants minimum has to be filled out.

  • Upon selecting Group Registration, the data that will be inserted in the online registration form is the registration admin’s data; as such, the admin should take into consideration the following while filling out the online application form:
    • The admin should insert the data of at least 4 participants;

    • In case the admin is one of the participants within the group, the admin’s data needs to be inserted again as one of the group’s participants;

    • It is to be noted that all follow up emails will be sent to the admin’s email only.

  • In both Individual and Group Registration, the submitted data cannot be amended once the registration form is submitted. To make any changes, the registrar has to contact NAMES Secretariat Office at

  • Upon submitting the registration form, the registrar will receive an auto-reply email, confirming the submission of the registration form and advising that a verification email is to be expected within two work days, to be able to complete payment. If, for any reason, the registrar does not receive the auto-reply email, they should contact NAMES Secretariat Office at

  • NAMES Secretariat Office will review the submitted registration form and send a verification email—within two work days from submission—including the payment details and methods, as well as the cancellation policy.

  • Online registration will be closed on 18 April 2024 at midnight, Egypt’s time.

  • After said date, only onsite registration and payment will be available through the Registration Desk at Konya Science Center from Tuesday, 7 May, 9:00, to Wednesday, 8 May, 16:00.

    *Onsite Registration does not guarantee the availability of all the conference’s materials and access to all social events.

  • Registration Fees cover the following per participant:
    • Nametag

    • Conference Bag

    • Conference Documents

    • Admission to opening and closing ceremonies

    • Admission to all conference sessions

    • Admission to the Exhibition Fair

    • All lunches and coffee breaks as per the conference program

    • Gala Dinner

    • Nocturne


  • For any alteration to submitted and/or verified registration forms, an email should be sent to NAMES Secretariat Office at



*The hereunder mentioned rates are per person

NAMES Members Rate
Category Early Bird Rate
1 November – 31 January
Standard Rate
1 February – 18 April
Onsite Rate
19 April – 8 May
Individuals USD 200 USD 220 USD 250
(4 persons or more)
USD 150 USD 175 USD 200
Non-Members Rate
Category Early Bird Rate
1 November – 31 January
Standard Rate
1 February – 18 April
Onsite Rate
19 April – 8 May
Individuals USD 270 USD 310 USD 340
(4 persons or more)
USD 240 USD 280 USD 310
Turkish Rate
Category Early Bird Rate
1 November – 31 January
Standard Rate
1 February – 18 April
Onsite Rate
19 April – 8 May
Individuals TRY 300 TRY 400 TRY 500
(4 persons or more)
TRY 250 TRY 350 TRY 400


Payment can be made in USD for foreigners or in TRY for Turks as follows:

  • For Non-Turkish, Bank Transfer in USD to:

IBAN: TR750001500158048014691781




  • For Turkish, Bank Transfer in TRY to:

IBAN: TR840001500158007299683572


*In the bank transfer, it is very important to state the following: “NAMES2024_NAME_SURNAME_COMPANY/INSTITUTION”. 
After making the payment, you should send the receipt to NAMES 2024 Team is not responsible for identifying funds transferred directly into the account when the participant’s name is not mentioned.

*The participants are required to add any possible administrative fees to the registration fees, noting that, if any such fees are deducted from the registration fees during the transfer process, the participant/s is/are obliged to pay the fees difference to the Host.


  • Registered participants and groups have 5 days from receiving the verification email to send the bank transfer advice to NAMES Secretariat Office at and NAMES 2024 Team at (, to benefit from the registration rate applicable on the date of submission.
    *If the payment is not made within said 5 days, the participant/group will have to pay according to the registration rate applicable on the date of payment.


  • Only onsite payment will be available through NAMES 2024 Registration Desk at Konya Science Center, which will be open from Tuesday, 7 May, 9:00, to Wednesday, 8 May, 16:00.
    *Onsite Registration does not guarantee the availability of all the conference’s materials and access to all social events.


  • It is important for participants to have their payment confirmation notification to show at the Registration Desk at the NAMES 2024 Registration Desk.


  • A final confirmation will be sent to participants electronically approximately three weeks prior to the conference. This final confirmation letter must be presented upon arrival at the registration desk, if the account has been settled. If there is a balance still due, the participant should take this letter to NAMES 2024 Cashier.


Accompanying Person

  • Accompanying persons cannot register on their own; each must accompany a registered participant.

  • Once a registrar has paid their registration fees, they can add one accompanying person.

  • The accompanying persons’ fees are USD 75.

  • The accompanying person has access to the conference venue and receives the following benefits:

  • Nametag
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Gala Dinner
  • Nocturne

 *Other than the Opening Ceremony, the accompanying person has no access to any other conference sessions.


Cancellation Policy

Individual Registration:

  • If registration is cancelled before 20 April 2024, a refund of only 50% of the total payment will be made.

  • No refunds will be made for cancellation after 20 April 2024.

  • Refunding will be done only using Bank Transfer.


Group Registration:

  • If registration is totally cancelled before 20 April 2024, a refund of only 50% of the total payment will be made.

  • No refunds will be made for cancellation after 20 April 2024.

  • Refunding will be done only using Bank Transfer.

  • If a registered group already paid their registration fees, the registering institution may not add more participants to the same group. New participants can join as individuals or they can form a new group and pay their registration fees according to the rates of the period during which they submit their registration forms.

  • If a registered group has already paid the registration fees and wishes to cancel the registration of some of the participants such that the remaining number of participants is 4 or more, the cancelled participants’ fees will be refunded according to the above percentages (50%).

  • If a registered group has already paid their registration fees and wishes to cancel the registration of some of its participants such that the remaining number of participants is less than 4, the cancelled participants’ fees will be refunded, but only after deducting the extra fees due for other participants in the group to become individual participants according to the registration fees rate corresponding to the date of the original submission. Moreover, the above percentages (50%) will be applied.

  • If a registered group has not paid their registration fees yet, and wishes to add more participants to the same group, the registration admin has to notify NAMES Secretariat Office via email. The original registration form will accordingly be cancelled, so that a new group registration form may be submitted, noting that payment will be according to the registration fees rate corresponding to the new date.

  • If a group has not paid their registration fees yet, and wishes to cancel the registration of some of the participants such that the remaining number of participants is 4 or more, the registration admin has to notify NAMES Secretariat Office via email. The original registration form will accordingly be cancelled, so that a new group registration form may be submitted, noting that payment will be according to the registration fees rate corresponding to the new date of submission.

  • If a group has not paid their registration fees yet, and wishes to cancel the registration of some of the participants such that the remaining number of participants is less than 4, the registration admin has to notify NAMES Secretariat Office via email. The original registration form will accordingly be cancelled, so that the remaining participants can join as individuals, noting that payment will be according to the registration fees rate corresponding to the new date of submission.



  • NAMES uses the submitted emails to make sure registrars receive all the updates regarding NAMES 2024 Conference. The contacts are automatically added to NAMES Contacts List to receive NAMES news periodically.

*Should you prefer not to be included in NAMES Mailing List, please email us through

  • NAMES uses photos and videos captured during the conference in its promotional material, published or disseminated via website, email, e-newsletter, or social media.

*Should you prefer not to have your photo used, please email us through


Event Cancellation

Konya Science Center reserves the right to cancel the conference due to any unforeseen circumstances. In the unlikely case of cancellation, registrants will be notified and will receive a full refund.


Certificate of Participation

Konya Science Center will provide NAMES 2024 Participants with a certificate of attendance upon their request.